Saturday, 14 November 2015


November 14 2015

For you to understand my point of view, you need to understand what background I came from. I didn't have a bad upbringing, but I didn't have the ideal one where I could have flourished and might have been a totally different person today. Now, I'm not saying my parents were bad, but they had flaws that were never resolved, that prevented them from growing to be who they were supposed to be and therefore would have been in a better emotional position to raise me.

You know how some kids unconsciously become how they were (or weren't) brought up? Somehow, I became the kid who consciously made the choices I did; and not because of my background. I made the choices DESPITE my background. I BECAME everything that my parents weren't because of their flaws and insecurities. I'm not saying that I don't have my own insecurities, but I most certainly don't have insecurities the size of meteor craters. I wouldn't be able to tell you if this was due to self-discipline or if it was in me already. And, it was so EASY to make the right choices as well. 

What I am now (and was still seven years ago), is what my mother was at the time of her death. She died two years ago at the age of 60. And SO many people come to this self-awareness stage TOO late. Take note, that I'm 25 years of age. So basically I've been self-aware for seven years. If I can help just ONE person become more self-ware, then this blog is totally worth it. I can't guarantee that what I mention in these posts won't bring some sort of a memory/reminiscence/flashback of your own past, and that if it does, that it won't be painful. But for you to become self-aware, you need to confront what you're unconsciously doing because of your past. It's the only way that you'll be able to move forward, especially emotionally. 

And one last thing: Look in the right place for what you need emotionally. I'll be going into detail about this in a later post. I would like to give you a hint, but then it'll give everything away, so I'll keep you in suspense for a little bit longer. : )

Here's to a better future,

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