"I think I must just enjoy this time with Morven, no matter how hard it is, because there might come a day where I don't have time to do that."
Take the time to enojy life, the moments that make life worth it. Once a person starts 'adulting', life becomes a little bit more difficult (I'm quite sure you've heard that phrase 'I don't want to adult today'). Even I've had those days; and I enjoy my work and life in general.
Unfortunately, my mother was a little bit different. Once she started working, she started losing the life she had in her, even though the people that didn't see behind closed doors would never know that, since she pretended to be a lot more friendly and vibrant when she was at work. Most nights, Elian and I would be at Raiden's place, keeping ourselves occupied. By the time we got home, we'd be tired, so our mother never had to ask us to go to bed. We never knew what she did once we had gone to bed, but I can imagine that she tidied up, then try and relax by sitting in front of the TV for half an hour before going to bed, or she went straight to bed and read until she was tired.
Hold onto whatever positivity you can. Once good piece of advice (and yes, I'm not really one that actually lives this piece of advice), rest whenever you can. Don't overwork yourself, it'll just lead to burnout.
Here's hoping to a better future,
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