Saturday 28 November 2015

Gut Feelings, First Impressions, Getting to Know People - Part 2

November 28 2015

Here's a couple of points I use when getting to know people:

Point 1: Know what traits you like, know which ones irritate you - be self-aware. This is the best way to know when you're going to get on with some people, and when you're not.

Point 2: Don't ignore negative traits in other people. If you need to, walk away from them. This is very important; because this is where destructive relationships start if you put up with negative traits in people. And please note, there's a BIG difference between having small FAULTS, and having CHARACTER problems. Be able to tell the difference between the two.

Point 3: Have very clear boundaries. This way, you'll let people know when they need to stop taking advantage of you or when to stop pushing your buttons. Always be confident enough to say no.

Becoming self-aware takes time, but this is a very important aspect of yourself to develop, so make sure you take the time to develop this.

Here's to a better future,

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